10 July, 2008

Prostitution Overwhelms Parker Street Residents

Caroline Jhingory the new Ward 6 Community Services Coordinator tackles male transsexual prostitution which has Parker Street and K Street residents fearing for their quality of Life. After residents complained about this problem at a recent PSA 102 Meeting, PSA Co-Coordinator Robert Pittman joined with Caroline Jhingory to get a first hand look with neighbors of 3rd, Parker and K Streets.

Parker Residents with Caroline

Residents say this area at 2nd and K Streets shields many transsexual prostitutes from detection. The pictures below show the area of around this block including the alleys between K and Parker and Parker and Eye Streets where overgrowth of vegetation in yads alleys, vacant properties some used for prostitution and drugs, crack bags and trees needing to be trimmed exist. PSA 102 Coordinators Robert Pittman and Brandon Bies are committed to working with the residents, ANC Commissioners and city agencies to clean up this drug infested area and ridding it of the prostitutes.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Thank you, Caroline and Bobby, for all that you are doing for our community! You guys are really great.

Bobby, would it be possible to get this listed on the Frozen Tropics list of local blogs? I think it make it easier for local residents to find it.