31 August, 2010

Crime Report

This report contains Part I serious offenses reported in the First District, broken down by PSA, in a 24-hour period. If you experience any computer problems with viewing this data, please reply to this message and explain the problem. See key at the bottom of the page.

PSA: 101
CCN: 10125525
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Stolen Auto
LOCATION: Street/Highway/Road
START DT: 08/28/2010
START TM: 20:45:00
END DT: 08/29/2010
PSA: 101
CCN: 10125354
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Robbery
LOCATION: Sidewalk
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 15:30:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 15:31:00
PSA: 101
CCN: 10125186
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
LOCATION: Specialty Store
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 09:35:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 09:38:00
PSA: 101
CCN: 10125517
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
LOCATION: Street/Highway/Road
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 19:00:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 20:30:00
PSA: 101
CCN: 10125529
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Theft F/Auto
LOCATION: Street/Highway/Road
START DT: 08/27/2010
START TM: 18:00:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 06:30:00
PSA: 101
CCN: 10125359
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
LOCATION: Restaurant
START DT: 08/27/2010
START TM: 21:30:00
END DT: 08/27/2010
END TM: 22:00:00
PSA: 102
CCN: 10125371
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
LOCATION: Convenience Store
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 17:13:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 17:15:00
PSA: 103
CCN: 10125322
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Burglary
LOCATION: Residence/Home
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 12:55:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 13:00:00
PSA: 103
CCN: 10125207
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Robbery
LOCATION: Parking Lot/Parking Garage
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 10:10:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 10:36:00
PSA: 104
CCN: 10125463
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Theft F/Auto
LOCATION: Parking Lot/Parking Garage
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 09:30:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 18:20:00
PSA: 104
CCN: 10125394
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
LOCATION: Residence/Home
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 15:30:00
PSA: 106
CCN: 10125294
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Stolen Auto
LOCATION: Residence/Home
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 13:58:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 14:08:00
PSA: 106
CCN: 10125261
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Stolen Auto
LOCATION: Street/Highway/Road
START DT: 08/27/2010
START TM: 14:30:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 06:30:00
PSA: 107
CCN: 10125431
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
LOCATION: Grocery/Supermarket
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 18:18:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 18:33:00
PSA: 107
CCN: 10125508
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Robbery
LOCATION: Sidewalk
START DT: 08/30/2010
START TM: 20:40:00
END DT: 08/30/2010
END TM: 20:42:00
PSA: 107
CCN: 10125067
RPT DATE: 08/30/2010
OFFENSE: Robbery
LOCATION: Sidewalk
START DT: 08/29/2010
START TM: 23:19:00
END DT: 08/29/2010
END TM: 23:20:00

PSA - The Police District (first number=District) and area or police beat where the incident occurred.

CCN - The Complaint Number for the incident.

RPT DATE - Date the incident was reported to Police.

SHIFT - Estimated tour of duty crime occurred. DAY=Day EVN=Evening MID=Midnight

OFFENSE - Crime Classification.

METHOD - Subcategory of the Crime or the Degree (i.e. Burglary 2 = 2nd Degree Burglary, meaning Burglar not in contact with the victim.)

BLOCK - Block where the crime occurred.

LOCATION - General description of location where crime occurred.

START DT - Earliest date the incident could have occurred.

START TM - Earliest time the incident could have occurred.

END DT - Latest date the incident could have occurred.

END TM - Latest time the incident could have occurred.

ADW - Assault With A Deadly Weapon

F&V - Force and Violence

PBS - Pocketbook Snatch

P/P - Pickpocket

PSA 107 "Walk and Talks"

Please “save the dates” for the following events in PSA 107.

Saturday, September 4, 2010 @ 4PM: “Walk and Talk”. Meet at 15th & Independence Avenue SE to walk around the area.
Thursday, September 9, 2010 @ 7PM: “Walk and Talk”. Meet at 1300 Potomac Avenue SE (Harris Teeters) to walk around the area.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 @ 7PM: PSA 107 Community Meeting at 527 Kentucky Avenue SE.

In these "Walk and Talks", myself along with various members of PSA 107 will walk and talk with citizens to identify the problem areas which concern YOU (the citizens) the most. I would like for all of our citizens to be involved. These "Walk and Talks" will continue to be scheduled on various dates and times to better accommodate everyone's schedule.

Please feel free to contact me directly at michael.thornton@dc.gov or at 202-425-7659. Thank you for helping make our community safer.

Protective Actions for Hurricanes

Hurricane Season Isn’t Over Yet
The District’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency Issues
Protective Actions for Hurricanes

(Washington, DC) –This past Sunday, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) announced that Hurricane Earl had reached category 2 (sustained winds 96-110 mph) and was predicted to approach the East Coast by week’s end. Hurricane Earl has since escalated to a category 4 (sustained winds 135-155 mph). The District of Columbia, along with other local government agencies, regional business and Federal partners, such as U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been closely monitoring the potential impact of Hurricane Earl on the District and surrounding areas.

Today, the National Weather Service (NWS), reports that at this time, Hurricane Earl is expected to have minimal impact on the DC Metropolitan Area. Heavy rains have been predicted to slightly impact the coastal regions of Maryland.

Hurricane season extends from June 1 to November 30. However the peak months for hurricanes are August and September. Although Hurricane Earl is not expected to have a direct impact on the District, The Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) wants to remind everyone to be prepared, be ready and have an emergency plan.

Millicent West, Director of the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency says, “District residents should begin now to prepare for possible power outages, flooding and other types of damage that frequently occurs as a result of all types of severe summer storms, including thunderstorms and tornadoes as well as hurricanes.” “Washington, DC is vulnerable to all types of severe summer weather, said Ms. West. “We should be mindful of these hazards and take steps now to prepare.”

Everyone should know the difference between a watch and a warning. A hurricane WATCH means that a hurricane is possible within 48 hours. A hurricane WARNING means that a hurricane is expected to arrive within 36 hours or less.

The National Weather Service remains the source of official severe weather watches and warnings, including flash flooding which can take only a few minutes to develop in the case of heavy rains which are often associated with hurricanes.

Please visit www.72hours.gov to learn more about how to prepare for emergencies of all kinds. A Spanish version of the FEMA preparedness website is available at www.listo.gov. To report a problem call the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311.

Sent by DC HSEMA to e-mail....powered by Cooper Notification RSAN

90 & 92 Metrobuses Five Days northbound Plan

8th Street Bus Stop For Northbound 90 & 92 Metrobuses Moves To The North Side Of H Street

For Five Days Beginning Monday, August 30

The 8th Street N.E. bus stop for the northbound 90 and 92 Metrobuses – currently located on the east side of 8th Street just south of H Street – will be moved for five days to the east side of 8th Street just north of H Street.

Weather permitting, the move will take effect at 7:00 am Monday, August 30, and will continue through Friday, September 3.

The temporary bus stop move is necessary to accommodate construction of the sidewalk on the east corner of 8th Street south of H Street.

There will be no change in the 90 and 92 bus routes. The bus shelter at the permanent bus stop on the southeast side of 8th Street will not be moved. It will be protected during construction as the new sidewalk is built around it.

The sidewalk construction activity includes re-setting the curb, excavating the old sidewalk and preparing the surface, pouring and placing the exposed aggregate concrete for the new sidewalk, preparing the sidewalk site designated for decorative pavers, and placing the pavers.

On the southwest side of 8th Street, placing the pavers is the final step in completing the new sidewalk, and this is scheduled to be done on Monday, August 30. After that, the southbound 90 and 92 buses will resume use of the permanent bus stop on the southwest side of 8th Street. During the construction work, the stop was temporarily moved to the northwest corner of 8th and H Streets.

The work is part of the District Department of Transportation’s H Street Reconstruction Project. More information about the project is available on the DDOT website, http://ddot.dc.gov/DC/DDOT/ under the Ward 6 portion of the “Projects and Planning” section.

29 August, 2010

Slug Line Pilot Program

August 26, 2010
District Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Police Department and Members of Capitol Hill Launch a Slug Line Pilot Program

As the economy continues to struggle, gas prices rise and commuter travel times increase due to more congestion, “slug lines” have become a preferred choice for some Northern Virginia commuters into and out of the District. “Slug lines” are lines of people that form along major corridors to ride share with vehicles headed in a similar direction allowing for use of HOV lanes for faster commutes. The ride share lines have increasingly become more popular with people queuing at various intersections along the heavily traveled 14th Street corridor in Northwest, DC.

With the increase in numbers of people waiting near curbs and crowding sidewalks, safety, traffic problems, backups and congestion are now real concerns for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

In an effort to provide a safer wait environment while meeting the needs of riders, DDOT traffic and safety experts recently launched a survey asking drivers and passengers to assess the specific needs and concerns of those using the “slug lines” as well as determining a safer location for lines to form.

“We understand there is a real need for people to utilize these ride shares, however, we need to make sure people are also safe and that traffic can flow in an orderly fashion,” said DDOT Director Gabe Klein. “We are hopeful this new pilot, in partnership with MPD and the ride share participants, will help meet the needs of the riders and provide a safer drop off and pick up area.”

MPD, while not conducting targeted enforcement of the slug line pick-up sites, have issued citations for vehicles blocking rush hour lanes, as drivers connect with riders. “We have no problem with the slug lines and want to work with the motorists who engage in this impromptu arrangement, but officers cannot ignore vehicles creating a hazard, or blocking lanes of traffic,” said MPD Chief Cathy Lanier. “We are working with DDOT and the motorists to find a solution to serve everyone.”

As part of the new pilot traffic engineers and safety experts are working to identify nearby locations that will meet the needs of the riders while providing a safer waiting environment and fewer traffic tie ups. These new sites will include signage and improved engineering to help facilitate ride share arrangements. DDOT and MPD have also been working in conjunction with Representative Gerald E. Connolly (VA-11th) incorporating important constituent input and location information into the pilot program.

Representative Connolly, who has spearheaded discussion to address high levels of concerns from his constituents said, “I appreciate Chief Lanier and Director Klein’s quick response to concerns I raised on behalf of commuters from Northern Virginia. Slugging is a win-win for the region and the District of Columbia because it reduces the number of cars on local roadways. I look forward to working with District leaders on this new strategy to improve safety for commuters.”

Once the surveys of slug line participants have been completed, it is anticipated that the newly proposed sites will be put into a test phase beginning in October.

25 August, 2010

Nationwide Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

AUG 19 -- WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Drug Enforcement Administration and government, community, public health and law enforcement partners today announced a nationwide prescription drug “Take-Back” initiative that seeks to prevent increased pill abuse and theft. DEA will be collecting potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs for destruction at sites nationwide o n Saturday, September 25 th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

August 19, 2010
Contact: DEA Public Affairs
Number: 202-307-7977
DEA Heads First-Ever Nationwide Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
AUG 19 -- WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Drug Enforcement Administration and government, community, public health and law enforcement partners today announced a nationwide prescription drug “Take-Back” initiative that seeks to prevent increased pill abuse and theft. DEA will be collecting potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs for destruction at sites nationwide o n Saturday, September 25 th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.
This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Many Americans are not aware that medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are increasing at alarming rates, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.
“Today we are launching a first-ever National Prescription Drug Take-Back campaign that will provide a safe way for Americans to dispose of their unwanted prescription drugs,” said Michele M. Leonhart, Acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. “This effort symbolizes DEA’s commitment to halting the disturbing rise in addiction caused by their misuse and abuse. Working together with our state and local partners, the medical community, anti-drug coalitions, and a concerned public, we will eliminate a major source of abused prescription drugs, and reduce the hazard they pose to our families and communities in a safe, legal, and environmentally sound way.”
“With this National Prescription Drug Take-Back campaign, we are aggressively reaching out to individuals to encourage them to rid their households of unused prescription drugs that pose a safety hazard and can contribute to prescription drug abuse,” said Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary G. Grindler. “The Department of Justice is committed to doing everything we can to make our communities safer, and this initiative represents a new front in our efforts.”
“Prescription drug abuse is the Nation’s fastest-growing drug problem, and take-back events like this one are an indispensable tool for reducing the threat that the diversion and abuse of these drugs pose to public health,” said Director of National Drug Control Policy Gil Kerlikowske. “The Federal/state/and local collaboration represented in this initiative is key in our national efforts to reduce pharmaceutical drug diversion and abuse.”
Collection sites in every local community can be found by going to www.dea.gov . This site will be continuously updated with new take-back locations. Other participants in this initiative include the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy; the Partnership for a Drug-Free America; the International Association of Chiefs of Police; the National Association of Attorneys General; the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy; the Federation of State Medical Boards; and the National District Attorneys Association.

21 August, 2010

Person of Interest Sought in Robbery

August 18, 2010

The Metropolitan Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a person of interest in a robbery of a dry cleaning business in the 4700 block of 14th Street, NW.
On Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at approximately 4:15 pm, a male subject entered the Duo Dry Cleaners, produced a handgun and obtained an undisclosed amount of currency from an employee. He fled on foot.

The suspect is described as a black male with a light to medium complexion. He is approximately 5’9”, weighing approximately 150 pounds and has a beard and mustache. The suspect was wearing a black baseball hat, a yellowish visibility vest, a black short-sleeved shirt, pants, and dark shoes. The subject has tattoos on his left arm.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the police at (202)727-9099 or 1-888-919-CRIME
(1-888-919-2746). The Metropolitan Police Department is currently offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any robbery committed in the District of Columbia.
Additionally, anonymous information may be submitted to DC Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS and to the department’s TEXT TIP LINE by text messaging 50411. If the information provided by the caller to Crime Solvers leads to an arrest and indictment, that caller will be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.

18 August, 2010

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia

AUG 17 -- (Manhattan, NY) JOHN P. GILBRIDE, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration's New York Field Division ("DEA") and PREET BHARARA, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ERMINSO CUEVAS CABRERA, a/k/a "Mincho," a top associate of the narco-terrorist organization Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or "FARC") was sentenced today by United States District Judge THOMAS F. HOGAN in the District of Columbia federal court to 29 years in prison for conspiring to import ton-quantities of cocaine into the United States.

News Release [print-friendly version]


August 17, 2010

Erin Mulvey

Public Information Officer

212 337-2906




AUG 17 -- (Manhattan, NY) JOHN P. GILBRIDE, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration's New York Field Division ("DEA") and PREET BHARARA, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ERMINSO CUEVAS CABRERA, a/k/a "Mincho," a top associate of the narco-terrorist organization Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or "FARC") was sentenced today by United States District Judge THOMAS F. HOGAN in the District of Columbia federal court to 29 years in prison for conspiring to import ton-quantities of cocaine into the United States.

According to the Indictment and evidence presented at trial: The FARC is a Colombian narco-terrorist group and a U.S. State Department-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

The FARC, which occupies large swaths of territory in Colombia, is a hierarchical organization which, at its height during the time of the conspiracy, was comprised of 12,000 to 18,000 members. At the lowest level, the FARC is made up of 77 distinct military units, called Fronts, organized by geographical location. These in turn are grouped into seven "blocs." The

FARC is led by a seven-member Secretariat and a 27-member Central General Staff, or Estado Mayor, responsible for setting the cocaine policies of the FARC. The FARC is responsible for the production of more than half the world's supply of cocaine and nearly two-thirds of the cocaine imported into the United States, and is the world's leading cocaine manufacturer. The FARC initially involved itself in the cocaine and cocaine paste trade by imposing a "tax" on individuals involved in every stage of cocaine production. Later, in the 1990s, recognizing the profit potential, FARC leadership ordered that the FARC become the exclusive buyer of the raw cocaine paste used to make cocaine in all areas under FARC occupation.

In the late 1990s, the FARC leadership met and voted unanimously in favor of a number of resolutions, including resolutions to: expand coca production in areas of Colombia under FARC control; expand the FARC's international distribution routes; increase the number of crystallization labs in which cocaine paste would be converted into cocaine; appoint members within each Front to be in charge of coca production; raise prices that the FARC would pay to campesinos (peasant farmers) from whom they purchased cocaine paste; and mandate that better chemicals be used to increase the quality of cocaine paste.

In late 2001 or early 2002, the FARC leadership met and further resolved, among other things, to: increase cocaine trafficking routes overseas, including to the United States; establish better ways to exchange cocaine and cocaine paste for weapons; and to pay more to campesinos for cocaine paste. CUEVAS CABRERA, 49, worked as the chief of cocaine manufacturing for the FARC’s 14 Front. CUEVAS CABRERA’s brother, FABIAN RAMIREZ, served as Commander of the Southern Bloc of the FARC and was the head of the 14 Front. CUEVAS CABRERA was extradited to the United States on September 19, 2007. On April 13, 2010, after a two-month trial, a jury found CUEVAS CABRERA and his co-defendant, JUAN JOSE MARTINEZ VEGA, a/k/a “Chiguiro,” guilty of one count of conspiring to import cocaine into the United States and one count of conspiring to distribute cocaine with the knowledge and intent that it would be imported into the United States.

The evidence at trial established that, in his capacity as the 14 Front’s chief of cocaine manufacturing, CUEVAS CABRERA directed the weekly production of thousands of kilograms of cocaine at hidden jungle laboratories controlled by the FARC and coordinated the sale and transportation of this cocaine. In total, from approximately 1998 through 2004, CUEVAS CABRERA conspired with others to manufacture and distribute literally tons of cocaine in Colombia, which he knew and intended would be imported into the United States.

For full story please visit us at www.DEA.gov


August 19, 2010
Contact: Karyn LeBlanc – 202-671-3490
John Lisle – 202-671-2004
Dara Ward – 202-330-2407




Phase 4 of Rehabilitation Project;

Traffic to Continue to Channel Around a

Barrier-Separated Island of Construction

A new traffic configuration will be in place for morning commuters on Monday, August 23. Phase 4 of the 14th Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project creates an “island of construction” to navigate around as was in place during Phases 2 and 3. Lanes will be split and traffic will be routed on both sides of the construction barriers – 3 lanes to the right and 1 lane to the left (see graphic below).

Staging for Phase 4 of construction will require closure of a center lane (currently closed) of the bridge from 10:00 p.m. Friday, August 20 through 5:00 a.m. Monday, August 23. Three lanes of traffic will be maintained across the bridge throughout the weekend. All four lanes restored and new traffic pattern in place by 5:00 a.m. Monday.

Motorists continuing onto the 14th Street Bridge from I-395N are advised that the left exit lane (Exit 10C) to the Memorial Bridge can also be used as a through lane. Motorists are not required to exit, but are able to continue onto the bridge.

Key Impacts

· Shorter Merging Distances: With a center lane of the bridge under construction, motorists will have a shorter distance (approximately 1/8 mile) to change lanes to get to their exits.

· 3 lanes will be routed to the right and 1 lane will be routed to the left of barrier blocks on the south half of the bridge. This will affect:

Ƙ Motorists entering from northbound GW Parkway and moving left to exit onto 14th Street.

Ƙ Motorists continuing to northbound I-395 from the left lanes of the bridge.

· Drivers are advised to keep left if exiting onto 14th Street and keep right if continuing on


All drivers will need to use extra caution and stay alert.

For more information on the 14th Street Bridge Rehabilitation project, please visit the DDOT website.

To download a high resolution Phase 4 graphic and view all phases, please visit http://www.14streetbridgeconstruction.com/.


Commander David K. Kamperin

First District

101 M St SW

Washington, DC 20024

Office: (202) 729-2037

Fax: (202) 442-8005

14 August, 2010

AHOD Phase IV Kick Off

August 13, 2010
Mayor Fenty and Chief Lanier Announce New Gun Tip Line at AHOD Phase IV Kick Off
Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier announced today a new gun tip reward program called “Got Guns” that will help remove illegal guns from criminals within the city.
Anonymous tipsters who call 888-919-CRIME (2746) about an illegal firearm, may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 if the information leads to the recovery of a firearm.
“For the past three years public safety has been a top priority for my Administration,” said Mayor Fenty. “Crime is down throughout the City because of the All Hands on Deck initiative and community policing strategies that Chief Lanier has implemented to encourage officers to better know the communities they serve and protect.”
“This program is the continuation of a steady and sustained attempt to reduce gun violence.” Chief Lanier said. “This is another resource for police to use in accomplishing that goal.”
The Got Guns program is a collaborative effort between the DC Office of Finance and Treasury, JP Morgan Financial Services and the DC Crimesolvers which provided MPD with a $20,000 grant to fund the program.
The announcement was made during the fourth All Hands on Deck (AHOD) for 2010, which began at 6 am Friday, August 13 and continues through 6 am on Sunday, August 15, 2010. Other law enforcement officials, including Metro Transit Police Deputy Chief David Webb, were on hand to kick off AHOD.
The initiative helps reduce crime. During AHOD, all available sworn MPD personnel are on patrol throughout the District emphasizing community policing and community outreach. This includes increasing the number of officers on foot beats, homicide detectives following up on cases and recruits passing out specific crime-related information.
MPD offers rewards of up to $25,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any unsolved homicide committed in the District of Columbia.  Additionally, MPD offers rewards of up to $10,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for any armed robbery or a robbery that results in serious bodily injury.
Anyone who has information about a crime may call police at (202) 727-9099 or (888)-919-CRIM[E] (888-919-2746).

Missing Person Critical: Latisha (Tish) Monique Frazier

Missing Person Critical: Latisha (Tish) Monique Frazier
The Metropolitan Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating a missing person identified as 18 year-old Latisha (Tish) Monique Frazier. Ms. Frazier was last seen on August 2, 2010, at approximately 5:00 pm, in the 1900 block of Trenton St., SE. 

Ms. Frazier is described as a black female of medium complexion, approximately 5’4”-5’6” in height, weighing approximately 165-175 pounds, with brown eyes, and black hair in dreads.  Ms. Frazier was last seen wearing a brown shirt and black pants.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Ms. Frazier is asked to call police at (202) 727-9099.

08 August, 2010

Tuesday's PSA 102 Meeting


Patrols in DC neighborhoods are being boosted by the addition of 26 officers who were

sworn in during a graduation ceremony on Friday, August 6, 2010, at the MPD’s Maurice T.

Turner, Jr. Metropolitan Police Academy in Southwest.

During the ceremony, training awards were presented to Officer Richard Rice (Academic); Officer

James White (Firearms); Officers Richard Rice, Sean Rutter and Matt Vorndran (Vehicle Skills); and Officers

Alicia Weber and Tim Camilli (Physical Skills). The new officers all completed approximately 24

weeks of training at the police academy, which includes a full program of physical, classroom,

and firearms training to prepare them for the challenges of being a police officer. The subjects

covered include laws of arrest, search and seizure, criminal law, traffic regulations, human

relations, community policing, and ethics. In addition, recruit officers receive skills training

in firearms, operation of emergency police vehicles, self-defense, advanced first aid, and much


The Metropolitan Police Department is focused on building a crime-fighting partnership

with the community, and developing our own promise and potential as a department. Police

work requires a certain type of individual — one who has strong interpersonal skills and the

motivation to work with our partners to help build strong, safe and healthy communities

throughout the District of Columbia.

What's Happening with Mobile Radar?


MPD states that...

Photo radar is a proven tool in slowing drivers down and reducing collisions. Law

enforcement agencies have deployed this technology in more than 75 countries around the

world for more than 30 years. Here in DC, speeding has been reduced dramatically in the

enforcement zones where photo radar is operating.

Survey after survey shows overwhelming public support for the use of photo enforcement

systems to reduce crashes. Support for these technologies is strongest among families with


On July 9, 2010, the Metropolitan Police Department announced the deployment of new

photo enforced mobile radar locations, including several zones designated as work zones.

Work zone fines may be doubled.

The deployment locations for the Mobile Radar Units continue to be

at sites with the highest number of crashes and injuries, calls for police

service, and high speed volume. MPD also considered recommendations or

requests from the Department of Transportation, Advisory Neighborhood

Commissions and civic or citizen associations.

The 30-day educational phase began on July 12, 2010. Throughout the educational phase

violators have been receiving warning citations. On August 11, 2010, MPD will begin issuing

live moving citations to violators.

For more information about automated speed

enforcement in the District of Columbia, including

a complete list of mobile radar locations, visit:



Earlier this week, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet

Napolitano announced a series of initiatives to support state and local law enforcement

and community groups across the country in identifying and mitigating threats to their

communities and expanded DHS’ “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to

the Washington, DC, area in conjunction with National Night Out, an annual anticrime

campaign involving citizens, police and neighborhood groups.

“Homeland security begins with hometown security, and our efforts to confront

threats in our communities are most effective when they are led by local law enforcement

and involve strong collaboration with the communities and citizens they serve,” said

Secretary Napolitano.

Secretary Napolitano was joined at the event by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes

Norton, Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia Police Chief

Cathy Lanier, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Chief Michael

Taborn, and Homeland Security Advisory Council Chairman Judge William Webster.

The new measures are based on recommendations made by the Homeland Security

Advisory Council’s (HSAC) “Countering Violent Extremism” Working Group—

comprised of chiefs of police, sheriffs, community leaders and homeland security

experts—on ways DHS can better support community-based efforts to combat violent

extremism in the United States.

The “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign is a simple and effective program to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats and

emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper transportation

and law enforcement authorities. In the Washington, DC, area, the campaign will

involved the Metropolitan Police Department’s long-standing participation in the

Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative, leveraging best practices

from the law enforcement community while engaging the public in identifying and

reporting suspicious activity.

In the coming months, DHS will continue to expand the campaign nationally with

public education materials, advertisements and other outreach tools to engage travelers,

businesses, community organizations and public and private sector employees to remain

vigilant and play an active role in keeping the country safe.

02 August, 2010

Celebration of National Night Out PSA 102

In Celebration of National Night Out PSA 102 is holding a Town Hall Discussion on Crime. We Want To Hear From You.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Sherwood Recreation Center
7:00 P.M.

01 August, 2010


“Aggressive driving” is described as a combination of unsafe and unlawful actions that demonstrate a conscious and willful disregard for safety. The following offenses are included:
running red lights and stop signs; following too closely, or tailgating; changing lanes unsafely; failing to yield the right of way; improper passing; and speeding. Dozens of law enforcement agencies from the District, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania are cooperating in intensive
aggressive driving enforcement “waves” - one each month from June through September. The next enforcement wave, which runs from August 3-7, 2010, is in addition to the everyday traffic safety efforts of these law enforcement agencies. Running red lights and stop signs, unsafe lane
changes, and tailgating will get you pulled over—resulting in big penalties and points. Law enforcement in DC, Maryland and Virginia are getting tough on aggressive drivers to make our roads safer. So lighten up at the wheel. Because if you’re driving in a hurry, angry, and act like
you own the road, you’re going to get caught. To help you keep your cool, the MPD provides a list of 10 Basic Rules of Courtesy and Safety. Drivers are less likely to become aggressive, if they allow extra travel time and don’t feel rushed. Drivers are also less likely to instigate aggressive
driving in others if they maintain an adequate distance from other vehicles, signal intentions to other drivers when turning and changing lanes, and refrain from inappropriate behavior such as making faces or rude or obscene gestures.

Tragic Event on H Street

Shortly after 1pm on on Wednesday July 28th, the establishment located at 1342 H Street NE was roobed. Two suspects entered the clothing store, tied up the owner, assaulted the owner, and took currency/clothing. The two suspects alighted from the store carrying two dark colored duffle bags. Unfortunately the suspects made good their escape to an awaiting vehicle. The vehicle used faciliate the escape is described and an older (1989 or 1990) dark colored (black or gray) Nissan Maxima with an unkown Maryland tag. If anyone was in the area and has information, please call 202-727-9099

Per Inspector Reese MPD 1D