21 August, 2008

PSA 102 Next Meeting is Being Prepared!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sherwood Recreation Center

Updates on
Request for A Speed Camera eastbound of Florida Avenue, N.E.
Request for Speed Camera on H Street East and West Bound
Legislation on Prostitution Offenses
Legislation on Juvenile Justice and When to Prosecute Juveniles as Adults
(Tentative) Guest(s) Council Member Tommy Wells and At-Large Council Member Phil Mendelson and Attorneys from the Office of the D.C. Attorney General and the United States Attorneys Office for the District of Columbia A discussion when to charge juveniles as adults and other crimes that impact the lives of neighbors


Margie Alma English said...

Will interpreters be available to facilitate sign language communications?

PSA 104 Neighborhood Public Safety Team said...
